порт цианогена для нашего зверя

Внимание! прошивка тестовая и требует доработки!
дальше разработка продвигаться не будет, пока автор прошивки не сможет найти помощников

need developers!

do you want to improve this firmware? we are looking for developers, otherwise we can't promise any updates at all because a lot of work need to be done.
if you want to join us, please contact fun_ or geoRG77 on XDA/androidtablets/slatedroid.

что работает/не работает

not work:
- 3G
- bluetooth
- camera
- hardware accelerated video
- and many things which you expect to work

- accelerometer
- audio
- gapps
- internal NAND flash
- SD card
- touchscreen with calibration app
- USB host/device
- wlan

mic input with stock apps
USB host on Scroll 7" resistive and 8"
USB mass storage mode (mount from PC) under some condition
some USB mouse
suspend/resume on Emdoor's tablet with Eclair ROM (a-rival PADs, EM51, and EM71 multit

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